Commas and Semicolons by Erica L. Meltzer | Jun 15, 2017 For each of the following sentences, determine whether a comma or semicolon is required in the underlined portion. A) Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was originally intended for an adult audience, but today it is widely read as a part of children's school curriculum in the United States. B) Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was originally intended for an adult audience; but today it is widely read as a part of children's school curriculum in the United States. Choice (A) Choice (B) None A) Contrary to popular belief, rattlesnakes rarely bite unless provoked or threatened, moreover if treated promptly, their bites are rarely fatal. B) Contrary to popular belief, rattlesnakes rarely bite unless provoked or threatened; moreover if treated promptly, their bites are rarely fatal. Choice (A) Choice (B) None A) Because the Rosetta Stone presented the same text in all three ancient Egyptian scripts, it provided the key to the modern understanding of hieroglyphs. B) Because the Rosetta Stone presented the same text in all three ancient Egyptian scripts; it provided the key to the modern understanding of hieroglyphs. Choice (A) Choice (B) None A) The Ottoman Empire contained nearly 100 provinces and numerous vassal states, some of them were later absorbed into the empire while others were granted various forms of autonomy. B) The Ottoman Empire contained nearly 100 provinces and numerous vassal states; some of them were later absorbed into the empire while others were granted various forms of autonomy. Choice (A) Choice (B) None A) Best known as an artist and photographer, Carrie Mae Weems used her first camera for political purposes, taking advantage of her position as a union organizer to document the 1960s labor movement. B) Best known as an artist and photographer, Carrie Mae Weems used her first camera for political purposes; taking advantage of her position as a union organizer to document the 1960s labor movement. Choice (A) Choice (B) None A) The artist believes that works of art should arise from personal concerns rather than institutional demands, therefore, he typically refuses to accept commissions. B) The artist believes that works of art should arise from personal concerns rather than institutional demands; therefore, he typically refuses to accept commissions. Choice (A) Choice (B) None A) Although palaeontologists often find new dinosaur bones or footprints, the two types of fossils have not been found together until recently. B) Although palaeontologists often find new dinosaur bones or footprints; the two types of fossils have not been found together until recently. Choice (A) Choice (B) None A) The most common goal of advertising is to drive consumer behavior toward a commercial offering, however, political advertising, which aims to convince voters to favor a particular candidate, occurs frequently as well. B) The most common goal of advertising is to drive consumer behavior toward a commercial offering; however, political advertising, which aims to convince voters to favor a particular candidate, occurs frequently as well. Choice (A) Choice (B) None A) The sandhills of Nebraska form the largest sand dunes in North America, they spread for more than 20,000 square miles and cover more than a quarter of the state. B) The sandhills of Nebraska form the largest sand dunes in North America; they spread for more than 20,000 square miles and cover more than a quarter of the state. Choice (A) Choice (B) None A) The opening of the Empire State building coincided with the start of the Great Depression in the United States, consequently, much of the building's office space remained empty for months. B) The opening of the Empire State building coincided with the start of the Great Depression in the United States; consequently, much of the building's office space remained empty for months. Choice (A) Choice (B) None Time's up
ACT/New SAT Drill 1 by Erica L. Meltzer | Jun 15, 2017 For each of the following questions, select the best version of the underlined portion of the sentence. 1. Researchers from the Erikson Institute have developed a program, it is designed to teach math skills by focusing on concepts such as measurement and size. A. NO CHANGE B. program that, C. program that D. program and None 2. Although doctors must increasingly depend on computers more frequently, they can also use such devices to help patients in new and unforeseen ways. A. NO CHANGE B. with a higher level of frequency C. with greater frequency D. OMIT the underlined portion None 3. Because they were considered the most noble of beasts, the lion was adopted as the symbol of the city of Venice. A. NO CHANGE B. they have been C. they had been D. it was None 4. Twins are famous for inventing their own ways of communicating with one another. Therefore, linguists are uncertain whether such kinds of expression are full developed languages. A. NO CHANGE B. Meanwhile, C. However, D. Indeed, None 5. Umbriel, one of the moons of Uranus, appears to have been shaped primarily by collisions with comets and is notable for it’s exceptional dark surface. A. NO CHANGE B. its C. it's D. there None 6. Before the establishment of a national postal system, the fastest form of long-distance communication available to residents of Western states were the Pony Express. A. NO CHANGE B. was C. have been D. having been None 7. No longer seen as idle scratches, some researchers are beginning to view ancient graffiti as a window into a world that vanished thousands of years ago. A. NO CHANGE B. the view of ancient graffiti beginning by some researchers C. ancient graffiti is beginning to be viewed by some researchers D. ancient graffiti, which is beginning to be viewed by some researchers None 8. Humans and animals share similar abilities to create memories and learn from experience. Only humans, however, have proven themselves capable of understanding that others can have thoughts different from their own. A. NO CHANGE B. experience, only humans, however, C. experience, only humans, however D. experience only humans however None 9. Science fiction writer, H.G. Wells, the author of more than 100 books accurately predicted the invention of television, the rise of the Internet, and the creation of the hydrogen bomb. A. NO CHANGE B. writer H.G. Wells, the author of more than 100 books C. writer H.G. Wells, the author of more than 100 books, D. writer H.G. Wells, the author of more than 100 books -- None 10. The enthusiasm that Thomas Jefferson had displayed at the beginning of the Revolutionary War began to diminish as he realized that the conflict will not be resolved in a matter of months. A. NO CHANGE B. has not been resolved C. not resolving D. would not be resolved None Time's up
ACT/New SAT Drill 2 by Erica L. Meltzer | Jun 15, 2017 For each of the following questions, select the best version of the underlined portion of the sentence. 1. According to marine biologist Gil Rosenthal, distance and motion often makes it difficult for certain predators to perceive fine details on the bodies of their prey. A. NO CHANGE B. often make C. often making D. has often made None 2. Chunks of ice and dust, which make their home in corners of the galaxy far beyond Pluto sometimes become dislodged and enter the solar system as streaky comets. A. NO CHANGE B. Pluto, they C. Pluto and D. Pluto, None 3. Ammonia is a waste product that can be toxic to animals, however, plants, including phytoplankton, prize ammonia as the most energy-efficient way to build new cells. A. NO CHANGE B. animals however plants C. animals however plants, D. animals, but plants, None 4. Still an obscure frontier outpost in 1830, Chicago had grown to two million residents by the early twentieth century, and some predicted it would soon be the largest city in the world. A. NO CHANGE B. has grown C. had grew D. grown None 5. Over the past century, the invention of newer and faster modes of transportation have kept commuting times stable even as cities themselves have grown larger. A. NO CHANGE B. has kept C. would keep D. keep None 6. By converting his or her knowledge into a series of visual images, a person can develop the ability to memorize large quantities of information in a very short time. A. NO CHANGE B. their C. they’re D. our None 7. While some dinosaur fossils belong to either natural history museums and university laboratories, others are owned by private collectors. A. NO CHANGE B. with C. or D. also None 8. Because the rooms of the attic were cluttered with old books, unused furniture, and having an assortment of other items, they made an ideal hiding place during my childhood. A. NO CHANGE B. assorted other items also C. an assortment of other items were present D. an assortment of other items None 9. The most common movements we make while asleep are rapid-eye (1) movements when we dream, our eyes move according to what we are dreaming about. (2) However, if we dream we are watching a game of tennis, our eyes will move from left to right with each serve. A. NO CHANGE B. movements when we dream C. movements. When we dream, D. movements, when we dream None 10. The most common movements we make while asleep are rapid-eye (1) movements when we dream, our eyes move according to what we are dreaming about. (2) However, if we dream we are watching a game of tennis, our eyes will move from left to right with each serve. A. NO CHANGE B. Nevertheless, C. Moreover, D. For example None Time's up
ACT/New SAT Drill 3 by Erica L. Meltzer | Jun 15, 2017 For each of the following questions, select the best version of the underlined portion of the sentence. 1. Which of the following would NOT be an acceptable alternative to the underlined portion? Bees are active pollinators. They are credited with helping a variety of fruits, nuts and other commercial crops flourish. A. pollinators; they are credited B. pollinators, credited C. pollinators, they are credited D. pollinators and are credited None 2. Many people believe that airplanes are a major source of air pollution, in reality they are responsible for only a small percentage of harmful emissions. A. NO CHANGE B. Because many C. Although many D. DELETE the underlined portion (capitalizing the first word of the sentence) None 3. As a result of rapid technological advances, the world that people inhabit today is very different from that of a few thousand years ago. A. NO CHANGE B. some of C. one for D. that with None 4. Trees, which brighten streets and delight both children and adults, play a crucial role in most city's infrastructures. A. NO CHANGE B. cities infrastructure's C. cities' infrastructures D. cities infrastructures None 5. Roald Amundsen, who becomes the first person to reach both the North Pole and South Poles, trained as a doctor before he decided to pursue a life at sea. A. NO CHANGE B. who will become C. he became D. who became None 6. Restoration architects are creating block molds with 3-D printers, these have proven to be faster and cheaper than any other method of block creation. A. NO CHANGE B. printers and have C. printers, this has D. printers, which have None 7. Thanks to breakthroughs in biochemistry, brain science and nanotechnology, scientists and inventors have unleashed a promising new wave of technology that harness the body’s powerful energy. A. NO CHANGE B. technology that harnesses C. technology, that harnesses D. technology and harness None 8. Because the use of digital recorders is now widespread, most of the manufacturers that once produced other kinds of recording devices have chose to shift they’re focus elsewhere. A. NO CHANGE B. their C. its' D. it's None 9. Skylab, a space station launched and (1) operated by NASA was the United States' first space station. It orbited the Earth from 1973 to (2)1979, and included a workshop, a solar observatory, and other systems. A. NO CHANGE B. operated, by NASA C. operated, by NASA, D. operated by NASA, None 10. Skylab, a space station launched and (1) operated by NASA was the United States' first space station. It orbited the Earth from 1973 to (2)1979 and included a workshop, a solar observatory, and other systems. A. NO CHANGE B. 1979, and included a workshop, a solar observatory, C. 1979; and included a workshop, a solar observatory D. 1979 and included: a workshop, a solar observatory None Time's up
GMAT Sentence Corrections 3 by Erica L. Meltzer | May 29, 2016 Each of the following questions presents a sentence, all or part of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence you will find five ways of phrasing the underlined part. The first of these repeats the original; the other four are different. If you think the original is best, choose the first answer; otherwise choose one of the others. These questions test correctness and effectiveness of expression. In choosing your answer, follow the requirements of standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, and sentence construction. Choose the answer that produces the most effective sentence; this answer should be clear and exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity, redundancy, or grammatical error. 1. As they create increasingly sophisticated voice and face recognition products, technology firms are lobbying state lawmakers to discourage restrictive new laws which critics call necessary to prevent the violating of user rights. (A) which critics call necessary to prevent the violating of user rights (B) which critics call these necessary to prevent the violating of user rights (C) which critics call necessary to prevent user rights being violated (D) that critics call them necessary to prevent the violating of user rights (E) that critics call necessary to prevent the violation of user rights None 2. The carmaker has announced that it is planning to raise the number of battery-powered cars in its inventory by a 20% increase, a shift that will be balanced by cuts in research and development. (A) it is planning to raise the number of battery-powered cars in its inventory by a 20% increase, (B) they plan to raise the number of battery-powered cars in its inventory by a 20% increase, (C) it plans to increase its inventory of battery-powered cars by 20%, (D) they plan on raising inventory of battery-powered cars by 20%, (E) it plans on raising inventory of battery-powered cars by a 20% increase, None 3. The decorated cave of Pont d’Arc, which contains pictorial drawings carbon-dated to the Aurignacian period (30,000 to 32,000 BP), and is located in a limestone plateau of the meandering Ardèche River in southern France and extends to an area of approximately 8,500 square meters. (A) and is located in a limestone plateau of the meandering Ardèche River in southern France and (B) is located in a limestone plateau of the meandering Ardèche River in southern France, (C) and is located in a limestone plateau of the meandering Ardèche River in southern France, which (D) is located in a limestone plateau of the meandering Ardèche River in southern France and (E) which is located in a limestone plateau of the meandering Ardèche River in southern France, it None 4. First drafted by the Archbishop of Canterbury to make peace between the unpopular king and a group of rebel barons, the Magna Carta promised protection from illegal imprisonment, swift access to justice, and limiting feudal payments to the Crown. (A) protection from illegal imprisonment, swift access to justice, and limiting feudal payments to the Crown (B) protection from illegal imprisonment, swiftly accessing justice, and limiting feudal payments to the Crown (C) protection from illegal imprisonment, swift access to justice, and limitations on feudal payments to the Crown (D) being protected from illegal imprisonment, swift access to justice, and limitations on feudal payments to the Crown (E) protection from illegal imprisonment, having swift access to justice, and to limit feudal payments to the Crown None 5. The world's first underground railway, the London Tube, opened in January 1863 between Paddington and Farringdon stations, using gas-lit wooden carriages hauled by steam locomotives. (A) the London Tube, opened in January 1863 between Paddington and Farringdon stations, using (B) the London Tube, opened in January 1863 between Paddington and Farringdon stations, to use (C) the London Tube, opened in January 1863 between Paddington and Farringdon stations; and used (D) the London Tube, which opened in January 1863 between Paddington and Farringdon stations, and used (E) the London Tube, opening in January 1863 between Paddington and Farringdon stations, and using None 6. Hitachi's first product was a 5-horsepower electric induction motor, which was initially developed for use in copper mining but soon had become the leading motor in Japan's growing electric power industry infrastructure. (A) but soon had become (B) but which soon became (C) but soon becoming (D) but would soon become (E) but which had soon become None 7. The business of harvesting ice during winter and storing for use in summer became popular towards the late nineteenth century, a practice that eventually replaced by mechanical ice-making machines. (A) a practice that eventually replaced by (B) but the practice was eventually replaced by (C) a practice eventually being replaced with (D) eventually replacing the practice by (E) but they eventually replaced the practice with None 8. A new generation of online tools is aiming to create sophisticated shoppers for medical care, but even when people can access new information, it is not always used effectively by them. (A) it is not always used effectively by them (B) this is not used effectively always (C) its use by them is not always effective (D) their use of this not always being effective (E) they are not always able to use it effectively None 9. The term aphantasia, or "mind-blindness," is a neurological condition in which individuals are unable to summon mental images, relying instead on verbal or abstract reasoning skills. (A) is a neurological condition in which (B) is a neurological condition where (C) which refers to a neurological condition where (D) refers to a neurological condition in which (E) and refers to a neurological condition in which None 10. Originally presented in a two-act format with spoken dialogue, Smetana's opera The Bartered Bride was not immediately successful, although gaining popularity after numerous revisions. (A) successful, although gaining popularity after numerous revisions (B) successful; although gaining popularity after numerous revisions (C) successful, although it had gained popularity after numerous revisions (D) successful, although it did gain popularity after numerous revisions (E) successful, although they gained popularity after numerous revisions None Time's up