
As a longtime tutor, I know the frustration you experience trying to find high- quality, relevant test prep materials for your students. The books out there are full of “tips and tricks,” but they breeze over critical concepts and include topics that are not tested. The questions and passages are written in the wrong tone, in the wrong style, or at the wrong level — too easy or too difficult.
I wrote my books from a tutor’s point of view. I know exactly which vocabulary, grammar rules, and reading concepts students struggle with (and why), and I provide examples of the multiple ways each rule might be tested so that students aren’t caught by surprise on the actual test. I also integrate material from the relevant official guides in order to demonstrate how the concepts discussed apply to the exam. It’s an approach I hope not only helps your students, but also gives you a clear roadmap to follow when planning your lessons.
I run a tutoring business (Kay Tutoring), and Erica’s books comprise our complete curriculum for SAT prep (we also use her books for ACT prep). I sometimes worry that if everyone bought all of Erica’s products there’d be no need for tutoring 🙂 I still remember my reaction when I first came across Erica’s first book: WHERE HAS THIS BOOK BEEN ALL MY LIFE!
~ Andrea Kay, owner of Kay Tutoring (Minnesota)