In the past few days, the College Board has released important information regarding the 2020 AP exam schedule.

Tests will consist of free-response questions only; last approximately 45 minutes each; and be administered online from May 11-22nd, with additional makeup dates in June. 

After some discussion with my SAT vocabulary book co-author and APUSH expert extraordinaire Larry Krieger, I’m happy to announce that we’ve decided to release condensed (approximately 50-page) AP guides that specifically target the 2020 online exams. We’ll aim to make them available within the next 2-3 weeks, sooner if possible. 

Our current plan is as follows: I will be covering the AP English Language and Literature exams, and Larry will be handling APUSH. 


The 2020 dates and questions for these exams are as follows: 


  • AP English Literature (May 13, 2pm EST): Prose Analysis essay (on the full exam, Free-Response Question #2)


  • AP English Language (May 20, 2pm EST): Rhetorical Analysis essay (Question #2)


  • APUSH (May 15, 2pm EST): Modified DBQ with 5 sources (Question #1)