Sentence Correction #28


The term aphantasia, or “mind-blindness,” is a neurological condition in which individuals are unable to summon mental images, relying instead on verbal or abstract reasoning skills. 


(A) is a neurological condition in which
(B) is a neurological condition where
(C) which refers to a neurological condition where
(D) refers to a neurological condition in which
(E) refers to a neurological condition



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Answer: D
Idiom, Logical Construction

This sentence contains a favorite GMAT meaning/logic error. A term can only “refer to” something – it cannot actually “be” something (e.g., a neurological condition). That eliminates (A) and (B). (C) can be eliminated because where can only refer to a place, and a neurological condition is not a place. (E) can also be eliminated because eliminating the relative pronoun after condition turns the sentence into an ungrammatical mess. (D) is correct because it provides the verb refers to and appropriately uses in which to refer to a condition.